Call JDE Orchestrations From Excel
using ADEX
The Easy Way to Make the Orchestrator Work for You
Recapture hundreds of hours per year by tapping into the power of the Orchestrator platform with a simple, user-friendly tool.

Unlimited power to work in JDE, from the simplicity of an Excel sheet.
I’ve converted my repetitive and time consuming tasks into orchestrations, and process them through ADEX. Hours long data entry or updates reduced to a couple of minutes.

“It’s way more beneficial than using the Orchestrator by itself. The Excel interface is incredible and the potential uses for it would knock the socks off accounting folk and master data folk alike.”

“ADEX is the easiest way to feed data to your orchestration based on a format that everybody understands. And it does not require the developer to be involved at all.”

"Waiting for an IS resource to create a simple SQL to update Item Branch or Product Data Management is a thing of the past. ADEX has enabled us to put the ownership of the business data in the correct hands.”

“Problems solved. What used to take a developer days at huge costs is now accomplished in minutes. The solution with ADEX is so easy. We use it daily.”
Dynamic by Design
Call any orchestration from Excel.
Save time on your own terms: We’ve eliminated the need to build a custom integration for every new end point.
This means no costs or delays trying to get a vendor or dev team to address your specific use case.
What Does It Do?
ADEX provides a quick and easy way to automate countless business use cases.
- Uploading and managing master and transactional data
- Automating business processes for individuals and departments
- Testing and debugging new orchestrations
- Converting/migrating data after a merger or acquisition
- Execute queries (data requests)
Use ADEX Now
Our lightweight software is easy to set up and starts delivering ROI right away.
- Affordable pricing for end users and teams
- Installs on your computer in seconds
- No need to provision IT resources
- Keep working directly in the familiar Excel environment
Monthly Paid
For Questions About ADEX Pricing, Fill Out the Form Below
Let ADEX Do the Repetitive Work for You.

ACBM: The Engineering Expertise Behind ADEX
“As an early and experienced adopter of the Orchestrator, ACBM is a trusted collaborator helping Oracle continually improve UX and functionality for their customers. We have designed ADEX to help clients access the full potential of their JDE investment.”
- Larry Furino, ACBM Founder